Women’s Famolare

Many shoes today are made in China using lightweight inexpensive materials that are not very supportive and often breakdown quickly. Shoes with denser padding  usually are better quality because of better quality foam. Squishy lightweight foam or “memory foam” has become more common due to price. Although shoes may feel comfortable when you first try them, the foam eventually condenses, and does not help to reduce the impact or absorb shock between your feet and hard ground.  Famolare uses quality leathers and materials to create perfectly padded long lasting insoles sit on top of quality rubber soles that will last 20 years or more. Famolare shoes are designed to conform to your feet which  provides the stability, enhanced gait, and long-lasting comfort you feel as you walk or stand on your feet all day.

Browse some of our selection of Famalare shoes below, or visit our Long Beach location for measurement, fitting, and one-on-one help on finding the best fit.

Call Bodell’s Comfort Footwear at (562) 425-1426.



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