Finn Comfort handcrafts all their products using high quality materials exclusively in Hassfurt, Germany. Unlike conventional shoes, Finn Comfort footwear distributes pressure evenly across the foot, thus reducing unnecessary stress and preventing foot and back ailments. Your feet and entire body are supported properly and naturally – like walking barefoot in the sand. Finn Comfort footbeds are anatomically contour molded and ergonomically designed to support and gently reposition the heel, arch, muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones in the feet. Enabling these structures to work together as nature intended, making each step you take supremely comfortable and pain free. Made of natural cork harvested from Mediterranean Oak trees, hevea latex from the rubber tree, woven layers of jute and lined with rich organically tanned suede (chrome free and hypoallergenic). Finn Comfort footbeds encourage good posture and proper foot function while cradling and guiding your feet from heel to toe.
Browse some of our selection of Finn Comfort shoes below. Visit our Long Beach location for measurement, fitting, and one-on-one help on finding the best fit.
Call Bodell’s Comfort Footwear at (562) 425-1426.