Men’s SAS

San Antonio Shoemakers™  started in 1976 by two friends, Terry Armstrong and Lew Hayden. They are headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, where they are still made today. SAS has two factories in Texas: San Antonio (est. 1976) and Del Rio (est. 1985). SAS recently partnered with a family-owned Italian company to design and manufacture a quality dress shoe in conjunction with SAS master shoemakers. Their main focuses in making all their shoes is  quality and craftsmanship. SAS uses the finest leather and quality materials. SAS shoes are designed with an innovative comfort system for all-day wear. There are a wide variety of sizes and widths: 88 for women, 104 for men. They offer more styles and colors to offer than in the past including leather handbag collection.

Browse some of our selection of SAS shoes below, or visit our Long Beach location for measurement, fitting, and one-on-one help finding the best fit.

Call Bodell’s Comfort Footwear at (562) 425-1426.

SAS ‘Bout Time in mulch




Move On



Time Out





‘Bout Time



Side Gore






Journey & Journey Mesh